Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Start: Ruins of Villaret Farm
End: La Fresquière
Ascent: 200 m
Descent: 700 m
Distance: 9 km
Total: 155 km

On this day, it was Alex rather than myself who got us up and going. She was ready to be done with the hike and didn’t want to ne rushed on the way to the bus stop. We knew there was a bus to Gap around noon, and didn’t want to miss it.

We packed up and got going. There wasn’t too much food left, as we had bought just the right amount in Saint-Paul. The trail in the morning was not particularly remarkable, as it was passing between small communities on dirt roads. There were a few footpaths, but for the most part we were in a part of the Ubaye which was more inhabited, albeit by tiny hamlets.

The trail was winding down and a part of me was a bit sad, though it was time to be done. We had accomplished huge things as a family, and we were going to take a well-deserved break in Gap before heading home the following day.

On the final descent down to the Fresquière at Méolans-Revel, where we started, we held hands as a family and finished the trail together. We took a picture at the exact spot where we had taken a starting picture just over 7 days before.

We had done it! The trials and tribulations of the GR56 were over and done with. We sat at the bus stop and waited for a couple of hours while the children played in the water down below. Soon enough we were back on the bus and on our way back to civilization, watching as the Ubaye fell into the background behind us.
