March 16

Start: Dalton
End: Callie Jones Road
Miles: 12.3
Total: 1736.9

I left the hotel fairly early, and went next door to McDonald’s to use some more WiFi. I stayed a long time, chatting with friends traveling in Thailand. It was a lot of fun for me to talk about our travel experiences and all the different things we have noticed while out experiencing our adventures.

I then moved on to the next fast food restaurant for some great food, and finally went to the post office and the bank for some cash to use at hostels along the Appalachian Trail.

Stopping again for more fast food, I knew that I was really taking my sweet time in Dalton, but I was also really relaxed and enjoying the day. Finally I moved on and picked up some groceries on my way out of town.

The road walk out of Dalton was not terrible but also not particularly pleasant. A young people inquired into my journey as I slowly made my way east. As darkness came I realized that the road walk was not a very quick route, and was perturbed by the detour I seemed to be taking.

Finding a power line with a wide easement, I hopped a fence and moved down to a spot that I thought no one would see. Rural dogs barked up a storm but nothing ever came of that. In the middle of the night I heard something large coming out of the woods near me. Wondering if it was a bear, I shined my light on the big brown animal to discover a cow.
