March 14

Start: Spring Crossing Campsite
End: Johns Mountain Overlook
Miles: 20.9
Total: 1698.6

I woke up from my feverish night and didn’t feel too bad, but I was wary of my condition since I had felt okay the previous morning as well. Moving up the trail, I soon found myself walking along dirt forest roads, which I did for most of the day. This was very different from the Pinhoti in Alabama.

I forded West Armuchee Creek while some young folks were camped on the other side, and did the road walk to the next portion of trail. Pretty soon I was fording East Armuchee Creek, and planning to get to Johns Mountain before dark.

I was not making the time that I had hoped for, but forged ahead, expecting to be walking in the dark on Johns Mountain. Instead, I hit the road faster than I expected, and got up to Johns Mountain Overlook, where some teenagers were hanging out.

They were interested in my journey, and like most people, couldn’t believe that I had walked from Key West and was going to Canada. Eventually they left and I set up my tarp right there. A family came in the night, but didn’t stay for long. I was happy with my spot, and felt much better than the day before.
