June 24
End: MacDonald House
Miles: 0.0
Total: 4141.3
I woke up to a woman messing with some piece of clutter on my sheltered porch. I said, “Good morning!”, and she, not realizing I was there, returned my greeting and hastily retreated to her car and left. I kept hoping the police would show up and take me to a nice dry, warm jail cell, but no dice.
The rain continued on, though lighter than the previous day’s deluge. I kept waiting for a break to start walking, but that break never came. Finally I put my rain jacket on over my pack and started out. I went to the Houlton Church of Christ and arrived just in time.
The church was a lot smaller than I expected it to be, and I can imagine that I must have bewildered all twelve of the people in attendance. Of course, after they found out that I was hiking and not homeless they exhaled.
The minister and his wife graciously offered to let me stay with them, which I did. I sat on the couch for awhile and relaxed, took a shower, and enjoyed all the glories of not being rained on.
At evening church I met the Daltons, who live up in Monticello and have a junkyard right on the trail. I planned to visit them the next day. Back at the house I enjoyed some television and then went to bed. It had been nice to take a day off.