January 5

Start: Key Largo
End: Florida City
Miles: 26.8
Total: 127.2

In the morning I had breakfast and talked with Frank, who was very kind and even gave me some money. William and Frank, thank you for being such great hosts. I know we will see each other again.

The walking for the day consisted of the long and barren road to the Homestead area. Seeing the southern portion of the Everglades was cool. There was even a portion of broken fence where one could go Bear Grylls into the glades. I declined that opportunity.

I did not rest much, as I wanted to get to my destination in the day light. When I finally got to Florida City, I met up with the Joneses, who took me to dinner and let me stay at their apartment.

They are more knowledgeable in hiking supplies and food than I, so I gleaned knowledge and supplies from them. Joel, thank you so much for your kindness and hospitality. I know we will meet again.
