February 7

Start: Holton Creek Camp
End: Holton Creek Camp
Miles: 0.0
Total: 827.0

I woke up but stayed in my bag, sleeping in late because I was waiting on the mail. Karen cooked me up some oatmeal for breakfast which was fantastic. I may have to try that on the trail.

Karen continued to mother me, and I got to know her a little better. She sewed a big strip of Velcro on my sleeping bag so that it would not let in cold air, and mended it as well as my pack. I could not believe my good luck.

We had more hot food, then she drove me into Live Oak, which I really appreciated. The trail goes around all the towns with the bigger stores, and instead hits all the smaller towns with only one option for meals and one for groceries (White Springs, I’m talking about you).

We went to Walmart where I bought way too much food, then drove around to view the rest of town. We checked Gibson Park on the way back, but my package had no come that day, though I had hoped that it would.

I was not too upset to be staying at Holton Creek another night, and I think Karen didn’t mind having a guy around since a few guys had come wandering around that day, one of them asking awkward questions.

She even let me sleep on a pull-out couch in her nice camper because the temperature was dropping, and she set up a digital antenna for her TV.

I thought I was in heaven in a comfy camper watching the news, getting to stay up late.
