August 20

Start: Rocky Harbour
End: Parson's Pond
Miles: 34.7
Total: 5279.7

From the hostel I left before the other guests were awake, but was not so early that the grocery store was not yet open. I grabbed some chips there before walking out of Rocky Harbour. I took Main Street out of town and quickly decided that I didn’t need to wear my long johns.

I was immediately walking the road through Gros Morne National Park. I kept expecting a big entrance leading into the interior of the park, but I never saw one. I did see occasional parking lots for walking trails and scenic camping locations, one of which had a terrific privy which I took advantage of.

One thing which was becoming increasingly obvious was that there is a lot of water in Newfoundland, especially northern Newfoundland. I was constantly passing over brooks and streams, and inland I could see ponds all day. The mountains were also present inland, and looked just as unique as they had in southern Newfoundland.

Near the end of the day, I passed through the town of Saint Paul’s, and then passed the road to Cow Head, which supposedly had a hostel. I pressed on and made it to an overlook right before Parson’s Pond. I set up my tarp there just after sunset and tried to get to sleep while a few cars and trucks noisily passed by on the nearby highway.
