March 27

Start: Cold Spring Shelter
End: Brown Fork Gap Shelter
Miles: 27.5
Total: 2006.5

At my usual start time of just after sunrise, I packed up my things and got my hike going. I planned to reach the Nantahala Outdoor Center near noon. The terrain was not too drastically different from the normal wooded hills which I had been hiking for the past few days.

The downhill switchbacks felt like they were never going to end, and I was a little disappointed with my progress when I reached Rufus Morgan Shelter and realized that I still had several miles to cover.

Finally I came upon the highway, and made my way down to the river and the outdoor center. I had lunch at River’s End, a restaurant on the river. Then I checked out the outdoor center, got some postcards, and went over to the general store. I was disappointed to find a regular convenience store with few good options for hiking food.

After some junk food from the store I refilled my water and started climbing the hills leaving the area. The climb was long and difficult, culminating in Cheoah Bald, which was quite tiring. I saved my food since I had just eaten.

I realized that I was not going to make the shelter which I had originally hoped for, but was not worried since I had been enjoying myself and was still hiking a significant distance.

After another tough climb which had me taking short breaks every thirty or forty yards, I followed the trail downhill to Brown Fork Gap Shelter, which I assume had been full of hikers since 2011.

I camped down near a spring with other hikers my age, and enjoyed hanging out with them while I cooked my food. One girl had already learned that smoking marijuana and hiking led to twisted ankles. I soon retired for the night and slept well.
