Blog - Page 16

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Back Home

After three weeks in the United States, our little family is back home. We’re happy to be back to our routine, but also sad to have finished a wonderful vaca...

Destination: Higgins Lake

Higgins Lake is my favorite destination for a family vacation. I’m currently looking out onto the beautiful lake right now. My family has been coming up here...

Development Guide

As a software engineer, one of my pet peeves is dealing with the almighty developer guide. This document exists at almost every software company as an aid fo...

End of the 2020 School Year

Today is July 4th, Independence Day in the United States. As an American abroad, I hadn’t even realized it was Independence Day, as it is not a holiday here ...

Routing the Northern Divide Trail

Of all the resources I have prepared for the Northern Divide Trail, the most important is probably the Keyhold Markup File (KML/KMZ) which I have created usi...