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The Sequelize Saga

Recently I found the source to a very befuddling problem that I had been grappling with on and off again for weeks. As a warning to other developers, I’d lik...

On the Trail: Matthew Hengst

During a recent conversation with my parents, I mentioned that it was a shame that no one had recently surfaced on the Trail Journals site with a journal of ...

Snow Weekend

On Saturday morning, my wife left the house early to head into Paris and get some specific items from a Chinese grocery store. Given the time it takes to get...

Living Ultralight

As it is the beginning of a new year, we recently renewed our Navigo passes for the whole year. Although it is a bit painful to pay for the whole year up fro...

New Year, New Challenges

2020 is finished, and a new year is upon us. At the beginning of a new year, I like to think about what I want to have accomplished by the end of the year. I...